“Jornada promocional del joc a ratlles”

“Jornada promocional del joc a ratlles”

Aquest dissabte dia 3 d'octubre es celebrarà la segona jornada formativa a Fageca. En aquesta ocasió, es tracta d'una jornada esportiva i cultural, on aprendrem tot el que envolta a la pilota valenciana de la mà dels millors experts. Organitza la Direcció General...

“El senderisme com a eina recreativa”

“El senderisme com a eina recreativa”

Aquest divendres dia 2 d'octubre es celebrarà la primera de diverses jornades formatives que anem a fer a Fageca. Es tracta d'una jornada enfocada a la natura, al senderisme, en la seua vesant recreativa. organitza la Direcció General d'Esport, Servei Territorial de...

Social Bonus term is ending

On October 8, the deadline to request the electric social bond expires, which saves up to 50% on the electricity bill. With the entry into force in October 2017 of Royal Decree 897/2017, the requirements to qualify for the Social Bonus change. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED,...

Information on social light bonus

Information on social light bonus

The Social Bonus is a discount on the electricity bill. It is regulated by the Government and It aims to protect households considered vulnerable. With the entry into force in October 2017 of Royal Decree 897/2017 the requirements change to be entitled to the Social...



Ingredients   Chickpeas. French beans Chard. 1 parsnip Pumpkin. Green beans. 1 onion. Tomato. Oil and salt. Flour. Paprika. Preparation   Take Chickpeas, beans, chard, beans, squash and parsnips and boil them in water. In a pan with oil, stir fry with onion...

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